Saturday, January 07, 2006

I didn't know

At first, I didn't know many things in this world. This first can be any thing.I still don't know what this first really is..

I didn't know that there would be joy more wonderful than rain accompanied by the beautiful rainbow,than the music of rain drops trickling through leaf tips,than the sweet fragrance of soil that welcomes the rain.

I didn't know how one can be elated and be extremely ebullient about something, even if it is just a dream.

I didn't know that life could more joyous when you have someone to think of you, rather than being alone.

I didn't know how all those great poets are made out of common men.

On the other hand, I also didn't know that there are other things in the world apart from happiness and joy.

I didn't know that life could be more miserable than being stranded all alone on an island.

I didn't know that one can experience hell directly on earth with just one dream being ripped in bud.

I didn't know that all the elements of nature which support life can also debilitate one with nostalgia.

I didn't know that there could be a bigger failure in life than what?.I dont know.

I didn't know that there are other parameters in this world, weighted greater than sincerity and commitment.

I didn't know that there would be people whom you believe to be friends,but are totally unworthy of sharing any of your joys or sorrows.

I didn't know that seeking help could harm more than actual destruction, and sink you down into a deep quagmire.

I didn't know that people would believe you to be still immature even in the third year of your graduation.

I didn't know that you will have to supress your feelings(and sneezes too), just because you are in a cultured society.

And I still don't know a lot many things.

I still don't know how to understand people.

I still don't know how to prove that I am believable.

I still don't know how to prove my commitment.

I still don't know how to establish that I am differently different,though I know that I am.

I still don't know what other things are there in this world that I need to know.

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